Donate your leftover currency to Women and Children First
Women and Children First empowers the world’s most rural, remote communities to survive and thrive
Every 2 minutes a woman dies in pregnancy, childbirth or shortly after birth. Every 4 seconds a child under the age of 5 dies.
Women and girls in rural, remote communities face problems that can kill, harm or hold them back. These are often preventable or treatable; diseases such as malaria; complications in labour such as haemorrhage; or a lack of support for their sexual and reproductive health needs. Poverty, distance to health facilities, lack of information, inadequate services and cultural beliefs prevent women and newborns from accessing and receiving the care they need.
It is easy to donate your leftover currency to Women and Children First. To get started, download and fill out the Women and Children First exchange form.
Women and Children First work with partners in countries including Malawi, Uganda and Ethiopia
Health education is most effective and empowering if it involves dialogue and problem solving, rather than message-giving. The charities community health groups bring people together, effectively enabling communities to take collective action to address their most concerning health problems and find the answers.
Women and Children First create long-term, sustainable solutions that benefit whole communities
The charity come up with life-saving, life-changing ideas like bicycle ambulances, sourcing and distributing mosquito nets, and cleaning water sources.
Community health groups work. They have been shown to almost halve maternal mortality, reduce neonatal mortality by a third and increase uptake in contraception by a quarter. Thanks to the charities supporters, Women and Children First has saved the lives of over 6,500 people and reached over 12 million people.
It is easy to donate your leftover currency to Women and Children First. To get started, download and fill out the Women and Children First exchange form.

Website: www.womenandchildrenfirst.org.uk
Donate your leftover travel money to Women and Children First
Do you have a drawer or jam jar, filled with foreign coins, left over travel money from previous holidays? Would you consider donating that forgotten currency to help fund a good cause?
It's easy to donate your leftover holiday cash; Simply fill out our charity exchange form and send it along with your currency to our Datchet office. We will exchange all currency, coins and notes, foreign and domestic, and donate the exchange value plus 5% extra to Women and Children First.
How much of my donation goes to Women and Children First?
We donate the complete exchange value plus 5% extra to Women and Children First. There are no fees, neither do we subtract any commission. You will receive a confirmation email, containing the amount donate. We will share this information with Women and Children First.
Which banknotes and coins can I donate?
You can donate any coins or notes, foreign or domestic. We will exchange whatever currency you send us and will donate the combined exchange value plus five percent extra to Women and Children First.
We will exchange currencies listed on our exchangeable currencies page against the exchange rates shows.
All other banknotes and coins will be exchanged against their numismatic value, bullion value or scrap metal value, whichever is higher. It helps if you sort the currency before you send it. But if you are unable to sort your currency, don't worry. We will take care of the sorting and counting free of charge.