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20) ? true : false" :class="{ 'top-[9.5rem] bg-white' : !filterBar, 'top-[10px] bg-gradient-to-b from-white to-white/75' : filtersOpen, 'top-[4.5rem] bg-gradient-to-b from-white/75' : filterBar }">
20000 Malagasy Ariary banknote (Ambatovy Nickel Mine)
The banknote of 20,000 Ariary is Madagascar’s highest value banknote. It features an image of the Ambatovy nickel mine on its front side. The back of the 20,000 bill shows a scene with a vanilla bean plant, harvested vanilla beans, lychee, rice plants and a peppercorn plant. The text on the 20,000 MGA note reads … ContinuedYou get: £1.400001 MGA = £0.0000700000 -
10000 Malagasy Ariary banknote (Port of Ehoala)
The obverse of this 10,000 Malagasy Ariary banknote features the Port of Ehoala and a turtle. The reverse of the 10,000 Ar note depicts a Valiha, a Madagascan instrument, and products carved into wood by the Zafimaniry, a sub-group of the Betsileo ethnic group of Madagascar. Text on the 10,000 MGA bill reads “Iray Alina … ContinuedYou get: £0.700001 MGA = £0.0000700000 -
5000 Malagasy Ariary banknote (Sailing boats)
Fishermen’s boats on the ocean with the suns rays in the background are depicted on the front of this 5000 Malagasy Ariary banknote.The reverse side of the 5000 MGA note features the Bay of Fort Dauphin and a map of Madagascar.You get: £0.050001 MGA = £0.0000100000 -
5000 Malagasy Ariary banknote (Whale Tail)
The banknote of 5000 Ar depicts a waterfall in Ranomafana Park on the obverse side. On the 5000 MGA bill’s reverse side is a picture of the tail of a humpback whale, peeking out near the Sainte-Marie shoreline. Text on the 5000 Malagasy Ariary note reads “Dimy Arivo Ariary”.You get: £0.350001 MGA = £0.0000700000 -
1000 Malagasy Ariary banknote (Black and White Ruffed Lemur)
A black and white ruffed lemur, an Aye-Aye and a Ploughshare Tortoise are depicted on the obverse of this 1000 Malagasy Ariary note. The reverse of the Arivo Ariary bill features various succulents from Madagascar.You get: £0.010001 MGA = £0.0000100000 -
2000 Malagasy Ariary banknote (Lemur)
A Lemur, a flower and two birds in flight are featured on the obverse of this 2000 Malagasy Ariary banknote. The back of this 2000 Ar Roa Arivo Ariary note features a tropical pitcher plant and a moon moth, native to Madagascar.You get: £0.140001 MGA = £0.0000700000 -
1000 Malagasy Ariary banknote (Kamoro bridge)
Kamoro Bridge is featured on the front of this 1000 Arivo Ariary banknote. The reverse of the 1000 Ar bill depicts the Queen of Isalo rock formation in Isalo National Park. Text on the 1000 MGA note reads “Arivo Ariary”.You get: £0.070001 MGA = £0.0000700000 -
200 Malagasy Ariary banknote (thatch-roofed gateway)
A thatch-roofed gateway to a village and highland houses is featured on the front of this 200 MGA bill. The back of the 200 Malagasy Ariary note depicts Madagascar-carved funeral posts with zebu skulls on the graves.You get: £0.002001 MGA = £0.0000100000 -
500 Malagasy Ariary banknote (Royal Hill of Ambohimanga)
The Royal Hill of Ambohimanga is featured on the obverse of this 500 Malagasy Ariary note. The back of this 500 Ar banknote depicts the Tsingy Rouge Stone formation in the region of Diana and a comet moth. Text on the 500 MGA bill reads “Dimanjato Ariary”.You get: £0.035001 MGA = £0.0000700000 -
100 Malagasy Ariary banknote (Ravenala palm)
The obverse of this 100 Malagasy Ariary banknote features a Ravenala palm and the forest of limestone needles located in the Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve. The reverse of the 100 MGA note shows a map of Madagascar and the Sugar Loaf Hill in Diego-Suarez Bay.You get: £0.001001 MGA = £0.0000100000 -
200 Malagasy Ariary banknote (Amber Mountains Waterfall)
The Amber Mountains Waterfall at the Montagne d’Ambre National Park is featured on the front of this 200 Ar bill. The reverse of this Roanjato Ariary note depicts an Endemic Madagascar palm at Nosy Hara National Park and a Malagasy moon moth.You get: £0.014001 MGA = £0.0000700000 -
100 Malagasy Ariary banknote (Ambozontany Cathedral)
This 100 Malagasy Ariary banknote features the Ambozontany cathedral with a view of the city of Fianarantsoa on the obverse side. The reverse of this 100 Ar note features a Madagascar poison frog, a Comet moth and a waterfall. The note of 100 MGA is Madagascar’s lowest value bill.You get: £0.007001 MGA = £0.0000700000