Donate your leftover currency to Midlothian Community Media Association
Midlothian Community Media Association advance the education of the public, particularly in the skills required for radio broadcasting and media communication
Midlothian Community Media Association is the not-for-profit charity that operates Black Diamond FM. Black Diamond 100.7 107.8 FM is the Community Radio for Midlothian.
The association establishes and operates socially inclusive educational and training facilities and services centred on community media. These may include encouraging the participation of socially excluded groups, such as young people and the unemployed, in community media skills to deliver public benefit.
It is easy to donate your leftover currency to Midlothian Community Media Association. To get started, download and fill out the Midlothian Community Media Association exchange form.
The charity also promote social inclusion by gathering and disseminating information of an educational nature of value to the diverse sections of the Midlothian community.
Midlothian Community Media Association also work with the community and voluntary sectors to promote and communicate their activities within the wider community, including peer education projects.
The organisation also liaise with local authorities, Scottish, UK and European authorities and agencies, local enterprise companies, educational establishments, charitable or community-benefit bodies and others, all with a view to furthering the socially inclusive aims of the company.
The charity also help maintain social inclusion and to help promote good mental wellbeing promoting confidence for all Walks of life. Men women young or old. The associations have many genres of programmes from religion, sports, specialty music and the Midlothian ageing well project that helps older people maintain a helthy lifestyle.
It is easy to donate your leftover currency to Midlothian Community Media Association. To get started, download and fill out the Midlothian Community Media Association exchange form.
Website: www.blackdiamondfm.com
Donate your leftover travel money to Midlothian Community Media Association
Do you have a drawer or jam jar, filled with foreign coins, left over travel money from previous holidays? Would you consider donating that forgotten currency to help fund a good cause?
It's easy to donate your leftover holiday cash; Simply fill out our charity exchange form and send it along with your currency to our Datchet office. We will exchange all currency, coins and notes, foreign and domestic, and donate the exchange value plus 5% extra to Midlothian Community Media Association.
How much of my donation goes to Midlothian Community Media Association?
We donate the complete exchange value plus 5% extra to Midlothian Community Media Association. There are no fees, neither do we subtract any commission. You will receive a confirmation email, containing the amount donate. We will share this information with Midlothian Community Media Association.
Which banknotes and coins can I donate?
You can donate any coins or notes, foreign or domestic. We will exchange whatever currency you send us and will donate the combined exchange value plus five percent extra to Midlothian Community Media Association.
We will exchange currencies listed on our exchangeable currencies page against the exchange rates shows.
All other banknotes and coins will be exchanged against their numismatic value, bullion value or scrap metal value, whichever is higher. It helps if you sort the currency before you send it. But if you are unable to sort your currency, don't worry. We will take care of the sorting and counting free of charge.