West Africa
Showing 17–19 of 19 results
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10 FCFA coin West Africa
This 10 West African States CFA coin features a sawfish-shaped Akan gold weight on the obverse, and a head of an oryx surrounded by corn cobs on the reverse. The commemorative version of the 10 FCFA piece shows two women and a child filling baked clay water jars at a water pump.You get: £0.003601 XOF = £0.0003600000 -
5 FCFA coin West Africa
A sawfish-shaped tribal gold weight by the Akan people is shown on the obverse side of this 5 FCFA coin, in between the ‘5’ and the ‘F’. The reverse side of the five West African francs piece shows the head of an oryx, a type of gazelle, and farm crops including coffee beans, corn and … ContinuedYou get: £0.001801 XOF = £0.0003600000 -
1 FCFA coin West Africa
This 1 West African States CFA coin features its face value on the obverse, and a stylised Sawfish on the reverse. Due to its very low value, the 1 FCFA coin is no longer in general use in West Africa but it remains legal tender. Measuring only 15mm in diameter, it is one of the … ContinuedYou get: £0.000361 XOF = £0.0003600000