Deutsche Marks
Showing 1–16 of 84 results
The Deutsche Mark, or Deutschmark, was the currency of Germany from 1948 until 2002, when it was replaced by the Euro. The mark was first struck as a silver piece in Germany in 1873, as a standard denomination worth 100 pfennigs. The word ‘mark’ derives from the Scandinavian word ‘mearc’, meaning ‘sign’. This relates to the physical ‘marks’ on precious metal bars.
German Marks are now obsolete. At Leftover Currency we specialize in the exchange of obsolete currencies, like the Deutschmark. We exchange both Deutschmark coins and banknotes. We also exchange DDR banknotes and Forum cheques from East Germany. Our online exchange service is quick, easy, secure and free of charge.
To convert your Deutsche Marks to cash, select the type of Deutsche Marks you want to exchange:
50 Pfennig Forumscheck DDR (1979)
The 50 pfennig forum banknote has the text ‘Fünfzig pfennig’ and ‘Forum scheck’ on the front side. The violet colored banknote is the equivalent of half a mark and was used as a means of payment for Westerners visiting East Germany during the Cold War era.You get: £0.004981 DEM = £0.0099500000 -
10 Deutsche Marks banknote (Sailing ship)
This blue and grey coloured banknote of 10 mark features the painting “Beardless Young Man” by Lucas Cranach the Elder on the front side. The sailing ship on the back side of the 10 DM bill is the German Navy’s training vessel “Gorch Fock”, a sailing vessel with three or more masts known as a … ContinuedYou get: £2.806901 DEM = £0.2806900000 -
2 Deutsche Marks coin
The German coin of 2 deutsche mark features the German federal eagle on the front and one of many different portraits on the back, including: Theodor Heuss, Konrad Adenauer, Kurt Schumacher, Max Planck, Ludwig Erhard, Willy Brandt, Franz Josef Strauß. Text on the 2 Mark coin reads ‘Bundesrepublik Deutschland’, which translates as Federal Republic of … ContinuedYou get: £0.477781 DEM = £0.2388900000